1.    Plan the area you will have the 

            entertainer perform.

            - Remove all TOYS.


- Pick a spot with enough room                                         for the children to sit and watch.

- If furniture needs to be moved, please move it

  before the entertainer arrives.

- If the event will be outside, shade is very 

   important for the entertainer.

- Please keep pets in another area, pets can be                  very distracting.                                       

- If the entertainer will be providing face                             painting, please ensure enough light is available


2.    Ask adults to keep their chit chats to a minimum if they are in the same area as the children.  You have paid a lot of money for your entertainer and do not want the entertainer to compete with the adults.  Adults are more than welcome to sit and watch the show with the children, in fact, we encourage it.


3.    Entertainers plan their party around the number of children at the event.  Please let the adults know face painting and balloons are normally for the children.  If you would like to provide face painting and balloons for adults let the entertainer know so they can adjust their time appropriately.  Children always come first.


4.    FOR EVERYONES SAFETY, AN ADULT SHOULD BE IN THE ROOM AT ALL TIMES.  Remember your entertainer is not an authority figure or a baby sitter.


5.    Please refrain from giving out noise makers prior to the entertainer leaving.


6.    Face painting at pool parties is probably not a great idea.


7.    Please remember, you are probably not the only event the entertainer is doing that day and it is imperative that the entertainer begin and end on time.  If payment is due, please be ready to make payment either prior to the event, or immediately after completion of their performance.


8.   We proudly use Paradise Face Paints.  What makes this face paint truly distinctive is their unique blend of base ingredients.  Aloe and chamomile combine to make  Paridise Face Paint safe and gentle to the skin.  Glycerin, avocado oil and cocoa butter provide rich, vibrant color saturated coverage.  It washes off easily with just soap and water.  No special removers are needed.  Paradise Face Paints are also non-allergenic and FDA approved.


9.  PLEASE REMEMBER, balloons, whether inflated or not, are a choking hazard.  Young children can choke or suffocate on inflated balloons in their moth, broken or uniflated balloons.  There should always be adult supervision for younger children.



This is your event, these are just suggestions from a clown with over 40 years experience.  We are committed to ensuring your event is the BEST.


We look forward to entertaining at your next event.


