OK, now you're here, BOBBY THE CLOWN'S Party Animals web site.  So what do you do now? 




While you're here, why not spend a little time looking around.  You will discover a bit about BOBBY and the rest of the Party Animals. Don't forget to check out SPECIALS.  And be sure to check out what we offer, where we will be, tips on making this the best birthday/event ever and much more.


If you are wondering whether this is the same Bobby The Clown you’ve seen in the Hampton Roads area since 1982, the answer is YES!  A little (LOT) older, a little thinner but not much wiser. 


Currently, I am the MID EAST VICE PRESIDENT for  Clown's of America, International.  If you are looking for info, check out the website or just email me with any questions.


If you are in the market for the finest family entertainment go to our “CONTACT US” link.


Remember, we are in business because of you, OUR CUSTOMERS.  Your satisfaction is our primary goal.


PLEASE  go to our GUEST BOOK and leave us a note, let us know what you think, and if you have used us in the past let us know whether we did a good job or not.


Thanks for visiting our little spot on the web and we hope you enjoy what you find here.

Clowningly yours,




Mid East Regional Vice President, 

Clowns of America International